Stress isn't always negative, but...
82% suffer from "continuous levels of stress"
according to a 2018 study carried out by Skiddle - which interviewed over 500 promoters, venue operators and event organisers.
Stress-less days in 5 easy steps
Create + implement 1 self-care ritual into your daily routine for stress reduction and stress-less days so you can…
Boost creativity and motivation (and stop putting things off)
Prioritise work load effectively (even when everything feels urgent)
Increase focus and productivity (get things done with ease)
Stop suffering from debilitating stress daily
Create an easy-to-implement self-care ritual that you'll be excited to do every day, reduce stress and move the needle towards sustainable success
How is this course delivered?
You'll find recorded training sessions, downloadable work sheets, bonus resources and recommended reading inside this portal. Additionally, you'll get access to a private Telegram group where you'll find all the trainings in audio format to listen to on the go. Inside this Telegram group, you'll benefit from the added value of community support as well as support from your trainer.
How long is the training?
The core training is about 2 hours long in total and has been broken up into 5 bite sized, digestible bits of about 20 minutes each. Additionally, you'll find extra resources and material for you to go through as you wish.
What if I need help with the training?
Whilst there is no 1:1 support involved inside this self-guided training, you are more than welcome to ask your question inside the Telegram group and your trainer will be happy to reply to you. Keep in mind that not all questions will be answered. It will depend on the volume of the questions. However, your trainer will show up regularly inside the group for support and guidance.